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Mission Accomplished!! The Alta Vista journey continues

Home > News > Mission Accomplished!! The Alta Vista journey continues

Written by lorvernal2016   |   Published: December 12, 2016 at 5:56 pm

The inspirational story of Alta Vista Children’s village continues to bring hope and as the Lord pours His blessings on those determined to provide a nurturing environment of a Christian Home to disadvantaged children in Jamaica.

On Sunday, November 13, 2016, scores of persons representing local and international supporters attended the Fundraising Dinner in aid of the Village at Knutsford Court Hotel in Kingston. The evening’s event was one of triumph as it had been rescheduled from October 2 due to the threat of Hurricane Matthew. The dinner is one of many annual activities which raise much-needed funds for children at the Alta Vista Children Village in Four Paths, Clarendon.

Mr. Eric R. Allen receiving cheque from Miss Christian.

The evening’s programme started off with welcome and introductions by Dr. Marston Thomas, President of ASI Inter America and chairman of EFCCJ. Pastor Leon Wellington, Founder and President of EFCCI gave an overview of the work being done by the Educational Foundation for Children’s Care. He outlined the objectives which include a desire to mould, guide, educate and help to focus the lives of children in Jamaica who have been abandoned, abused or neglected, towards achieving their God-given potential, as well as help them to become useful and productive citizens of this country. As the Foundation is supported by the goodwill and generosity of individuals and organizations that share similar goals he appealed to those in attendance to give support.

Mrs. Rosalee Gage-Grey, Chief Executive Officer of the Child Development Agency bringing greetings

Persons bringing greetings included Pastor Everett Brown, President of Jamaica Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Mrs. Rosalee Gage-Grey, Chief Executive Officer of the Child Development Agency and President of the Canadian Chapter of Educational Foundation for Children’s Care Canada, Pauline Christian. Miss Christian also made a financial contribution to the Village.

Dr. Kingsley Chin – Keynote Speaker

The main highlight of the evening was the presentation made by Jamaican Born Orthopedic and Spine Surgeon, Dr. Kingsley R. Chin. Renown Medical Entrepreneur and Health-Tech Professional, Dr. Chin kept his audience captivated, not with his vast medical and business knowledge, but he identified with the children and shared personal experiences which have shaped him as an individual. Though being from very humble beginnings he shared vivid instances of wants which changed when persons showed him what love, discipline, and encouragement could do. Those in attendance were encouraged to give hope to children in need and not judge persons simply based on their circumstances. Dr, Chin was accompanied by his wife, Kim.

In addition to the inspirational feast and fellowship patrons were transported to another realm through the musical expertise of Mr. Richard Foulkes. The Fundraising Banquet also included a Silent Auction featuring works from well-known artists Ken Spencer, Phillip Henry, Clive Passley & Hopeton Cargill.

The dinner was a successful venture and the committee anticipates continued support for future ventures. Individuals who wish to support the foundation can visit the EFCCI website at www.efcci.org.

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