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Alta-Vista Children’s Home Get’s “Green Light”

Home > News > Alta-Vista Children’s Home Get’s “Green Light”

Written by nicki504   |   Published: March 26, 2015 at 3:59 pm

The long wait is now ended, and on Tuesday March 10, 2015, officials of the Child Development Agency (CDA) in Jamaica, informed the delegation of two; Dr Marston Thomas, and Pastor Leon Wellington attended their offices in Kingston, that the Educational Foundation for Children’s Care request to begin operations of the Village has been approved.

The operations will be commenced in phases. The first phase will be based on a “Foster Care” model, and as soon as the paperwork is completed, the CDA will be placing the first four children in the village.

The second phase will involve a role over to the Village model as soon as infrastructure upgrade is complete. Both activities will proceed simultaneously. At that time, more children will be added.

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